Lifestyle Music · January 31, 2024

The Cosy Winter Playlists


It’s January, Heart/Gold Christmas have stopped playing festive songs on the 26th of December- you’ve forgotten what your music taste is outside of anything featuring the delicate tinkling of sleigh bells and Murder On The Dancefloor has infiltrated every other thought and mundane chore you’ve done since the beginning of the month, and let’s be honest- maybe you need a little more variation to your daily soundtrack?

So- rather than share my ‘Winter Playlist’ in one big chunky listen (although you *can* listen to my monthly playlists throughout the season on my Spotify over here), I thought I’d round up my favourite listens of the past couple of months in two (loosely) themed wintry playlists for your comfort listening. The first being ‘The Hunker Down Cosy Playlist’ which I’d say is perfect for dark warm nights indoors. The type of ones where you’re favourite candle is ITCHING to finally be lit, and your pyjamas are freshly washed and you just want to feel a little bit like a main character when you realise all you have in your fridge are five carrots and a half opened tub of yoghurt (me last night, ladies and gents). 

Anyway- that playlist can be found here and below!

The Hunker Down Cosy Playlist

The second of the two, with some of my other favourite tracks from the last few months is titled ‘The Winter Kitchen Dancing Playlist’. This playlist is for the afternoons (or evenings), in the kitchen wearing your favourite bed socks, perhaps with a glass of your favourite something and time on your hands to cook something you love. Pasta preferable, but definitely not essential.

That playlist can be found here!

The Winter Kitchen Dancing Playlist

Anyway, I hope you enjoy listening to these! As always I’d love to know what you’ve been listening to too!


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